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The word Holistic is defined as: “relating to or concerned with wholes or with complete systems rather than with the analysis of, treatment of, or dissection into parts”.

Whilst there may be many definitions and interpretations of what Holistic and Holistic Coaching is, in my work I define it as:

Holistic Coaching is based on a Holistic Model of working with the Body, Mind and Spirit. With Holistic Coaching, I work with clients on All Three Levels

On the BODY, or physical level it means working with what is going on in the client's physical world-what is actually happening in their experience as well as their physical body. Part of working with the body may involve the use of holistic therapies to bring the client back into balance. These include therapies like:


Quantum Healing

Ancient Egyptian Healing

Access Bars

Chakra Balancing


On the MIND or mental level, I work with clients to identify their underlying and limiting beliefs, the cause that is creating the physical manifestation or effects in their lives. I coach my clients to move beyond these limiting beliefs and create and incorporate new thoughts, beliefs and actions that are aligned with their goals and desires.  We also work on reducing and relieving mental stress through the introduction of Breathwork techniques.  I also assist my Clients in using the Law of Attraction, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and other practices to assist them in removing the blocks to achieving what it is they truly desire.


On the SPIRIT or spiritual level, I coach clients into creating a deeper connection with their Higher Self or Spirit. This may include assisting them to develop spiritual practices that make them feel whole again, practises which work within their own religion, faith or belief system. Part of my coaching on a spiritual level involves assisting clients to find their true life purpose and ways to live that purpose intentionally in their everyday life.


Book a complimentary 60 minute HOLISTIC COACHING consultation with me to find out how coaching can assist you in taking your life to the next level. 


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